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Hamilton School District Library Plan

Hamilton School District Library and Technology Literacy Program Vision

To foster integrated systems or pathways that will empower teachers and students to collaborate, innovate, problem-solve, communicate, and create so they are future-ready, literate citizens who thrive as independent decision-makers in today’s world and the world ahead.

The Hamilton School District library and technology literacy program references the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Standards for School Libraries and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for Staff and Students. Additionally, when developing the 2024-2028 Long Term Library plan two instructional frameworks were utilized: Hamilton School District Strategic Plan 2023-2026 and The Future Ready Framework for Librarians.

  1. HSD LTL Learner & Priority Standards

  2. 5-12 LTL Standards and I Can Statements

Current Status

Through our professional practice, programs, and spaces, school librarians lead, teach, and support school and district goals. Collaboration between librarians and key stakeholders is crucial to promote and implement innovative learning opportunities for students.

Using the Future Ready Librarian Framework and the Digital Learning Readiness Report to examine our current library practices will allow our district to develop common language and inspire creative thinking, build new partnerships, and develop a collaborative plan for students and teachers by focusing on the following categories:

  • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
  • Personalized Professional Learning
  • Robust Infrastructure
  • Budget and Resources
  • Community Partnerships
  • Data and Privacy
  • Collaborative Leadership
  • Use of Space and Time













Current Status:  Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment 

  • Curriculum, instruction, and assessment at Hamilton are based on clear expectations that all students will leave the education system well staged for college acceptance or for alternative paths to workplace readiness. We have focused on providing solid grounding in standards-based content (prioritized standards in each content area and learning progression rubrics to assess progress/provide feedback), but also intentionally integrate elements of deeper learning, such as critical thinking, creativity and innovation, and self-direction.

  • Library Technology Literacy coaches regularly collaborate with teachers to develop curricular resources and assessments, effectively utilize and implement technology, and develop innovative future-ready curriculum

  • Library Technology Literacy coaches maintain a diverse and equitable collection of materials in various formats in each building library

  • A variety of student databases are provided for students including BadgerLink, Gale High School, Opposing Viewpoints, SIRS Discovery, Kids Discover, FactCite, PebbleGo!, BrainPop, WordBook Online, Sora

  • A variety of streaming services are provided for students including SWANK, Learn360, Academic Video Online, Digital Theater










Current Status: Personalized Professional Learning 

  • Personalized professional development offered on district inservice days or staff meetings. Staff surveyed about PD options and signed up for desired sessions. 

  • Attendance at conferences related to subject area.

  • Formal and informal coaching cycles. 

  • Collaboration in PLC teams.

  • Modeling lessons and co-teaching with individual teachers or subject area teams to promote the use of technology and information literacy in the classroom.

  • Ongoing sharing of professional learning materials via the technology website, books, articles, screencasts.









Current Status: Robust Infrastructure

  • The school has considered a host of creative options to ensure that diverse and appropriate technology devices are available to all students and staff to support powerful digital learning at any time, from any location.
  • Adequate bandwidth and a supportive infrastructure are in place to ensure ready and consistent access to online resources for teaching and learning. Teams monitor usage and identify possible bottlenecks prior to them affecting teaching and learning. 

  • Privacy, safety and security are primary concerns as well. The I.T. department  has designed responsible use policies, and confirmed that the network design is supportive of these policies.

  • Sufficient technical and instructional support, characterized by a positive service orientation, is available in every school. This support is proactive, providing resources, coaching, and just-in-time instruction to prepare teachers and students to use new technologies, thereby reducing the need for interventions during the learning process.

    • 7.0 FTE Library Technology Literacy Coaches employed across 8 buildings

    • 7.0 FTE Library Paraprofessionals employed across 7 buildings

    • 1.0 FTE District Network Engineer

    • 4.0 FTE Technology Support Specialists across 8 buildings










Current status: Budget & Resources

Common school funds are divided per pupil currently. The district has invested in maintaining high quality library staffing (7 library media specialists and 7 library paraprofessionals)










Current Status: Community 

  • Participate in the Wisconsin Digital Consortium to provide ebooks and audiobooks to all students. 

  • Participate in Wisconsin Library Services - Cooperative Purchasing to receive discounts for vendor databases and supplies. WILS negotiates prices, license terms and customizing billing.

  • Attend monthly CESA meetings with area librarians in order to be continually updated with what is happening in the area schools and at DPI.

  • Work with the Pauline Haass Public Library children’s and young adult staff to promote reading, events and summer programs. Work with the National Honor Society students to provide volunteers for public library events.

  • Collaborate with Home and School groups to organize and run school book fairs and school-wide reading events.









Current Status: Data & Privacy

The district ensures that sound data privacy and security policies, procedures,

and practices are in place at the district, school, classroom, and student levels. Library and Technology Literacy Coaches advocate and promote best practices for student and staff data privacy. 

  • Ensure student data privacy through board policies such as 347-Rule: Guidelines for maintenance and confidentiality of student records.

  • Teach digital citizenship skills to support student online safety, privacy and security.

  • Engage with vendors to ensure that a signed privacy policy is on file for all software that has access to Personally Identifiable Information (PII). 

  • Our district also collaborated with the Department of Homeland Security to identify strengths and areas of improvement regarding data privacy and security.













Current Status: Collaborative Leadership

A culture of innovation that builds the capacity of students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community to work collaboratively toward that preferred future is a main focus of this cog. Library Technology Literacy coaches work collaboratively in teams beyond the library in order to reach these goals.

  • District and Building Coaching Meetings
  • State Report Card and District Data Dives
  • MTSS
  • PLCs
  • Building Leadership Teams
  • Curriculum Planning Teams











Current Status:  Use of Space & Time

Enhance education with effective learning space, well-maintained facilities and infrastructure. Provide optimal access to technology through long-term plans that account for future enrollment, facility needs, funding and technology that supports learning and productivity.

  • By leveraging technology and media resources, digital learning options are available for students at any time of day, from home, at school, and in the community. This includes 1:1 device access for grades 5-12, the use of Libguides and EZ Proxy for 24/7 direct access to databases and online resources. 

  • Library Technology Literacy coaches collaborate with staff to integrate student voice and choice, flexible paced learning with timely support, and demonstration of academic proficiency. Collaboration with coaches allows for co-planning and co-teaching, leading to timely support to accommodate learning needs and guarantee access to content and resources.