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Hamilton School District Library Plan

The Future Ready Librarians Framework helps define ways librarians can lead, teach, and support in their schools and systems. 


Literacy is central to Future Ready Librarianship, leveraging the traditional role of libraries providing books, resources, and instruction to support student interests and inquiry through reading and research. Embracing digital resources as a complement to books and print materials, Future Ready Librarians seek to both build collections and a literacy culture for students to read, learn, and explore for pleasure and purpose. Recognizing students as knowledge constructors, Future Ready Librarians lead, teach, and support learners to not only consume but create information and ideas in a variety of ways. Finally, in addition to these core literacy functions, Future Ready Librarians embrace and empower both students and colleagues to learn information, digital, computational, and other adaptive literacies. Future Ready Librarians recognize that successful future ready learners will require a variety of skills and habits of mind, some of which may not be fully understood today.