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Tech Tips, Tricks, and Tools: Infographics


Source: Triple E Framework

Does the technology tool aid students in developing or demonstrating a more sophisticated understanding of the content by creating opportunities for creation/production? Digital technology use for creating and exploring rather than Drill and Practice, have been found to positively effect student achievement while drill and practice has had negative effects on student achievement scores (National Association of Educational Progress, NAEP via Wenglinsky, 2006).  

Canva Infographics & Printing with Canva


Examples of what Infographics look like -

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According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, an infographic is a a chart, diagram, or illustration (as in a book or magazine or on a website) that uses graphic elements to present information in a visually striking way

Infographics are a tool for visual communication, and the most creative ones grab your attention and don't let go!  Some reasons to use infographics are to provide and overview, display survey data, compare/contrast data, or raise awareness of an issue. 

Key elements:

  • A  catchy Title
  • Quick overview of the topic
  • Who is your target audience? Are the images appropriate? Are the words appropriate for the age group?
  • Don't include too many photos or images.
  • Don't include too many words. Remember, quick and easy to read.
  • Do your research! Is the source of your information reliable? Trustworthy? Is the data verifiable?
  • When applicable, include a citation or list the website where you obtained the information.
  • Have a friend read it over to see if they understand your message.

Student Examples

Examples of Student Work -   

*** Note the Fever Model Key in this first example. Color coding to show Incubation,  Rising Fever, Crisis, and Recovery.


*** Note this infographic below is perfect when posted online, but will be too hard to read when printed due the dark background.